Becoming a Travel Nurse: Explore, Serve, and Work on Your Terms

January 15, 2024
Blogs, Nursing
Travel nurse

Many of us are interested in jobs that allow us to explore more destinations while making money and enjoying other benefits related to the profession we are in. It’s the same when it comes to a travel nurse. Any experienced nurse with relevant qualifications and a dream of traveling worldwide while doing what they love can choose travel nursing. Xpress Health allows travel nurses to find the best jobs in Northern Ireland according to their preferences and time. In a nutshell, you will be making better changes in your life while making a difference in the lives of people by helping them in need.

The flexibility and autonomy that travel nurses get are beyond all the perks mentioned. You will find a lot of information on ‘Becoming a Travel Nurse: Explore, Serve, and Work on Your Terms’ in the coming section of this blog. Travel nurses are always in demand when a healthcare facility suffers from a nurse shortage. This shortage of registered nurses has seen a hike during the COVID-19 pandemic, and healthcare facilities across the world have chosen to hire travel nursing staff temporarily.

Travel nursing in a nutshell

Traveling around different locations while taking care of short-term medical care assignments is what travel nursing means. The usual period for most travel nursing jobs is between 8 and 26 weeks, which could be chosen from a variety of specialties, settings, and locations. You can make the right choice according to your preferences and qualifications in all these different aspects of a nursing job. Some jobs come with perks, including more remuneration, housing stipends, travel compensation, extra bonuses, and more.

Perks beyond the money in travel nursing

Beyond the money factor, travel nursing opens up opportunities to meet and experience a broad array of places, cultures, and ways of living while offering quality care to people. Working in different circumstances means different challenges from which you can learn while learning about different healthcare systems and professionals and expanding your skills and knowledge. Travel nurses will be moving their way around and creating lasting connections and memories with their colleagues, patients, and communities they work for.

Things to know before choosing travel nursing

Don’t jump into a travel nursing career after reading the benefits and knowing the qualifications you should have. Not everyone has the adaptability, resilience, and flexibility to experience a successful and satisfying travel nursing career. A nurse should always be ready to face the unprecedented challenges and circumstances that occur in completely different locations that you might not be familiar with. Effectively dealing with everyday challenges, uncertainty, and changes while coping with stress and loneliness is very important for travel nurses.

Only a self-motivated, independent, and responsible healthcare worker with enough experience can have a great life with a travel nursing career. Everything, including looking after your health and the health of your patients, and managing your finances, taxes, licenses, and contracts, comes with the career of travel nursing.

How do I build a career in travel nursing?

If you find that you have all the attributes and qualities mentioned above to become a travel nurse, read the following steps through which you will be able to build a productive and fruitful travel nursing career.

The right education and experience

Getting an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree and a registered nurse license is the first step in becoming a travel nurse. Always consider the required nursing license you need to work in every region you prefer to work in. Another major thing is the experience you need in the nursing field. The bare minimum is one year, and more experience will make you confident while making healthcare employers more confident to hire you without a doubt.

Finding a reputable travel nursing agency

You can find several travel nursing agencies that can connect you with healthcare facilities searching for nursing professionals. Xpress Health is the best nursing agency Northern Ireland offers if you are a travel nurse who would like to work in healthcare facilities across Europe. A reputable travel nursing agency will take care of a big burden for you, like finding assignments, negotiating contracts, and arranging housing, and transportation. They also help you obtain insurance, other benefits, and support and guidance.

Never jump on the first name you see on the internet when it comes to choosing the perfect travel nursing agency for you. Go through some research and look into factors including reputation, authorization, testimonials, ratings, salary scale, benefit packages, customer service, and supply of jobs.

Apply for assignments that suit your goals and preferences

You can start applying for nursing jobs once you find an agency that works best for you. The agency will have a list of travel nursing jobs that match your criteria. All things, including your desired specialty, setting, location, duration, start date, pay rate, and other factors, should be matched to your requirements when you look for jobs. Recruiters can help you with recommendations and help you find the best nursing jobs for you.

Preparation for the job you choose

You should get ready to depart from where you are at the time and arrive at the job location at the time they need your help. Preparing all the certificates and licenses to work in specific locations should be on the priority list when you are preparing for the job. Next is packing, and the packing session must include all essentials such as clothing, toiletries, documents, electronics, etc. 

Researching the location in which you are about to work is imperative to avoid unforeseen climates and cultures. Besides, thorough research will allow you to be aware of the attractions, amenities, and more in the place where you will soon be working. Keeping yourself updated with relevant and timely information with the help of your agency helps you acquire more details and expectations regarding the job you chose.

Enjoy your nursing job

Making the most of the travel nursing job you choose is the next thing you need to prioritize. Not failing to respect the culture of the people around you while being open-minded is important. The work environment you choose might be different from the location where you worked before. You need to be flexible and adaptable to the work environment and its policies. Always take time to explore the region, have fun, and relax while ensuring personal care when you work hard to provide better care to your patients.

Explore a world full of opportunities through a great travel nursing career with the help of professionals like Xpress Health. We can help you get the best job as per your needs and preferences across Europe, along with complete assistance.